"Γήπεδα": τα footnotes του videoclip
Public domain ή CC0 / CC BY περιεχόμενο από την ψηφιακή βιβλιοθήκη Europeana
(τα σπιτικά αντικείμενα έχουν παραλλαχθεί και μετασχηματιστεί)

Guest μουσικοί (feat.)
“THE GLASGOW ORPHEUS CHOIR”; NEEMT ZINGEND AFSCHEID VAN - NEDERLAND by Polygoon Hollands Nieuws (producent) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Marek Weber and band in Carlton Hotel by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Εκδρομείς της Κυριακής
A day out: old people to Hoek van Holland by Polygoon-Profilti (producent) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Ιδέες και λύσεις για το σπίτι
Kombinerat täcke och lakan by Bergman, Kerstin - Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology, Sweden - CC BY.
laud - Estonian National Museum, Estonia - CC0.
tool, kontoritool - Estonian National Museum, Estonia - CC0.
Kaffebryggare, elektrisk by Philips - Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology, Sweden - CC BY.
Tass by N. Langebrauni portselanitööstus (valmistaja) - 1930 - Tallinn City Museum, Estonia - CC0.
Αθλητική εφημερίδα
Village News Universiade 2001 Beijing - Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum, Estonia - CC0.
radio, radio- och tv-kommunikation by Orion - 1970 - Museum of Gothenburg, Sweden - CC BY.
Persondator by Luxor AB - Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology, Sweden - CC BY.
tv, radio- och tv-kommunikation, svartvit-tv by Luxor AB - 1986 - Museum of Gothenburg, Sweden - CC BY.
Dataspel by Nintendo Co Ltd - Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology, Sweden - CC BY.
National transistor megaphone - Finnish Heritage Agency, Finland - CC BY.
Μουσικά όργανα
Drum 1
Trumma - Army Museum, Sweden - CC BY.
Drum 2
Trumma m/1884 by Dahlgren Bengt & Ci - Army Museum, Sweden - CC BY.
Drum 3
Trumma - Army Museum, Sweden - CC BY.
Plate 1
fat, tallrik, plate - Museum of Ethnography, Sweden - CC BY.
Plate 2
fat, tallrik, plate - Museum of Ethnography, Sweden - CC BY.
slagpinne, musikinstrument, music instrument - Museum of Ethnography, Sweden - CC BY.
Σε ρόλο κοντραμπάσου
Bass viol - 1705 - Rijksmuseum, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Orgel - 1866 - Blekinge Museum, Sweden - CC0.
Τρομπέτα trumpet, blåsinstrument, b-trumpet by Wernemyr, Manne - 1931 - Museum of Gothenburg, Sweden - CC BY.
Σε ρόλο βιόλας
musikinstrument, fiol, violin - Museum of Ethnography, Sweden - CC BY.

Κάτι για τη λιγούρα
Stockholmsutställningen 1930
Exteriör. HOT DOG kiosk by Okänd - Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design, Sweden - Public Domain.
BR1 pikaruokaravintola Verkkosaaressa. by Vyhtinen, Pekka - Helsinki City Museum, Finland - CC BY.
Pommes mit Cheeseburger by Weber, Peter (Fotograf/in) - LVR-Institut für Landeskunde und Regionalgeschichte, Germany - CC BY.
Women's association football by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Finale schoolvoetbalwedstrijden by Polygoon Hollands Nieuws (producent) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
VOETBALWEDSTRIJD TUSCHINSKI - CINEMA ROYAL by Polygoon-Profilti (producent) / Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (beheerder) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Ajax football champion of the Netherlands by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Soccer match Holland-Belgium by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Semi international football match South-Netherlands - Luxembourg by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Football: Netherlands - Belgium 2-2 by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Go Ahead is champion of the Netherlands by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Ανθισμένοι αγροί
Anton Lang, Oberammergau Passion Play actor by Polygoon-Profilti (producer) - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Netherlands - Public Domain.